
即使你参加过以前的活动或参观过校园, 我们鼓励您参加这一天的重点是连接您与我们的学生, 教职员工,这样你就能听到esball国际平台客户端的生活经历. Plus, you'll get to meet some of your future classmates!

此活动仅限邀请注册参加, 请使用您的金骑士门户页面登录信息登录.

Accepted Students Days for 2024 have now passed. 2025年活动的日期和注册将在2025年2月进行.
Transfer Accepted Students

欢迎被录取的转学生参加我们的录取学生日. Please register using the main event registration forms. 下午会有一个esball国际平台客户端转学的课程.

For more information, contact: transfer@fc-daudenzell.com.


esball国际平台客户端学院2024年秋季入学的学生被邀请参加录取学生日. 在这些活动中,你将参加针对TCS的特别节目.

For more information, contact: tcs@fc-daudenzell.com.

Schedule at a Glance

We pack a lot in to one day! 被录取学生日既是你被录取的庆祝,也是你更好地了解我们(和彼此)的机会. 我们建议你参加一整天的活动,从学术角度全面了解我们的esball国际平台客户端, 实习和研究的机会,课外活动和体育运动-但要明白,如果你只能参加一天的一部分.

有些日子是你自己选择的,有些日子是为你预先选定的. You will receive a finalized schedule upon check-in. 如果你在这里有什么“必看”的东西, 让我们的工作人员或招生大使知道就行了, and we will do our best to accommodate you. 

Check in & Light Breakfast
8 - 10 a.m., Cheel Campus Center
Check in and grab a special breakfast snack. You may even enjoy a pop up performance or two!

leaving every 20 minutes from 8:10 - 9:10 a.m. (pre-registration required) from the Cheel Commons
Can't stay through the afternoon? 把你的学生生活校园之旅安排在早上.

Financial 援助 One-on-One Sessions
8 - 10 a.m.; 1:30 - 4 p.m. (pre-registration required), Cheel Commons (a.m.) and Holcroft House (p.m.)
如果你对你的经济援助计划有疑问, schedule time to chat with one of our admissions & financial aid staff members. 家庭可预先登记参加有限数量的上午早鸟活动和下午活动(20分钟时段).

9 - 9:50 a.m., Cheel Campus Center
You'll learn a ton about your academic school, 在我们的学术互动会议上的部门和意向专业, 所以这些小组讨论将关注课堂之外的金骑士生活! 请提出您esball国际平台客户端住宿生活,餐饮,俱乐部的问题 & Organizations, the local community, wellness support, global experiences, our annual Career Fairs, 和更多的!

Welcome and Event Kick-Off
10 a.m., Cheel Campus Center

Academic Program Interactive Sessions 
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Various locations

Sustainability Showcase
12:30 - 2 p.m., Indoor Recreation Center
After your academic session, head over to our Sustainability Showcase, which will feature student clubs, 校园研究小组等等——所有这些都通过我们的可持续环境研究所朝着可持续未来的共同目标而努力.

Buffet Lunch
12:30 - 2 p.m., Indoor Recreation Center
At lunch, 当你享用自助餐(素食主义者/素食主义者)时,你将有另一个机会与你未来的同学交谈, gluten free, and lactose free options available).

Clarkson Showcase
12:30 - 2 p.m., Indoor Recreation Center
我们展示了200多个学生俱乐部和组织,与您聊聊如何参与校园活动. 来自体育、安全等以学生为中心的校园部门的工作人员 & Safety and ROTC are also on hand to answer questions. The showcase takes place in the same location as lunch!

2 - 2:50 p.m.,  Cheel Barben Rooms
You'll learn a ton about your academic school, 在我们的学术互动会议上的部门和意向专业, 所以这些小组讨论将关注课堂之外的金骑士生活! 请提出您esball国际平台客户端住宿生活,餐饮,俱乐部的问题 & Organizations, the local community, wellness support, global experiences, our annual Career Fairs, 和更多的!

Transfer Student Session
2 - 2:50 p.m., Educational Resources Center 2400
If you are an accepted transfer student, 我们邀请您加入我们的招生工作人员和其他转学生在这个会议集中在转到esball国际平台客户端!

The Clarkson School Session & Campus Tour
2 - 4 p.m., Price Hall Student Lounge
Students accepted into our early college program, The Clarkson School (TCS), 你是否被邀请参加下午的TCS教职员和学生聚会. During this time, guests can have their questions answered, get to know our students, 并从一个TCS学生的镜头探索esball国际平台客户端的校园.

Student Life Campus 旅游
2 - 2:50 p.m.; 3 - 3:50 p.m., leaving from the Indoor Recreation Center (2 p.m.) & Cheel Barben Rooms (3 p.m.)
If you didn't make the Early Bird tour, no problem. 你的行程将安排一个下午的旅行,重点是学生生活相关的站点, such as a residence hall room, the fitness center, the Student Center, library 和更多的.

Downtown 健康 Sciences Session
3:15 - 4 p.m., Clarkson Hall, 59 Main Street, Downtown Potsdam
对我们的物理治疗(PT)直接入学项目感兴趣的学生, Physician Assistant Studies (PA), or Occupational Therapy (OT) can join faculty, 来自这些项目的员工和学生在我们市中心的校园对项目进行了概述,并参观了我们最先进的健康科学设施.

GE Leadership Day

esball国际平台客户端每年春天与通用电气合作,为所有被录取的学生举办通用电气领导日. During this event, participants:

  • learn about leadership from successful GE staff who graduated from Clarkson.
  • 结交新朋友,与校友、教职员和在校生建立联系.
  • 享受校园午餐、晚餐和团队建设活动.
  • 与在校学生寄宿一晚.** 
  • also attend Accepted Students Day the following day. 

The date for 2024 GE Leadership Day is TBA. 请注意,如果参加GE领导日,则需要注册. Space is limited. 

**The overnight portion of this experience is now full. 新注册人将只能参加白天的部分. 



12 - 1 p.m.
Check in and drop off overnight items to storage
Student Center MPRs

1 - 1:25 p.m.
Welcome from GE Staff & Icebreaker Activity

1:25 - 2:30 p.m.
Lead Out Game

2:30 - 3 p.m.
Panel Discussion with Clarkson Students

3 - 3:15 p.m.
Break - with snacks!

3:15 - 3:45 p.m.
Fanning Frenzy

3:45 - 4:15 p.m.
Career Path Tips & Discussion

4:15 - 4:30 p.m.
Closing Remarks

4:30 - 5 p.m.
Meet Your Overnight Host!

Travel Information

Getting to and Around Campus

我们所有的本科课程都设在波茨坦的主校区, New York, 就在600万英亩的阿迪朗达克公园外,距离加拿大两个最著名的城市渥太华和蒙特利尔只有很短的车程. Whether you're coming by car, plane, or bus, here are directions to our campus.

Once you're on our campus, utilize our campus map 帮助找到指定的停车区域,以及活动标志.

View our Interactive Virtual Campus Map 

Overnight Accommodations

该地区的过夜住宿包括知名的连锁酒店, quaint bed and breakfasts and family owned motels.

以下资源将为您提供有关用餐所需的所有信息, 住宿, 在波茨坦和北部地区购物等;

St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce

Potsdam Chamber of Commerce

CTA Block
" class="hidden">唐山地图