Benjamin Galluzzo

Associate Professor / Head of the Clarkson School / Associate Director Institute for STEM Education
Benjamin  Galluzzo Headshot


I am an Associate Professor in the Institute for STEM Education at Clarkson University and an affiliate of Clarkson’s 数学 Department. I earned my BS and PhD from the University of Iowa and received a master’s degree in Mathematical Finance from Boston University.  My research concentrates on developing new strategies and best practices for bringing innovation and active learning into K-16 STEM classrooms, with particular emphasis on mathematical modeling.  

Courses Taught

  • STEM - Pedagogy and Professionalism
  • MA200 - Introduction to Math Modeling & 软件
  • MA132 - Calculus II
  • MA181 - Basic Calculus
  • MA180 - Introduction to College Math

研究 Interests

  • STEM education
  • Mathematical modeling education
  • Computational thinking in math classrooms
  • 数学 of sustainability
  • Cultural competency and teaching in the STEM classroom

  • QUBES Faculty Mentoring Fellow (2017)
  • 亨利L. Alder Award (2016), Mathematical Association of America award to honor beginning college or university faculty whose teaching has been extra ordinarily successful and whose effectiveness in teaching undergraduate mathematics is shown to have influence beyond their own classrooms.
  • Sustainability Education Fellow (2014 – 15), Identified by the Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability (DANS), identified for efforts to disseminate mathematics of sustainability.
  • Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching) Fellow (2009)


  • Co-Principal Investigator, Clarkson University Noyce Scholarship Program, NSF, with PI S. 里维拉等. al. $1,122,549
  • Co-PI, Computing with R for Mathematical Modeling, NSF STEM + Computing 合作伙伴hips Program, with J. Chao (Concord Consortium) and E. Simoneau (33 SIGMA Learning Labs). $1,850,959.
  • CDC 研究 Director, Clarkson University IMPETUS, NYSED, with PI K. Kavanagh, PI M. Ramsdell等. al. $1,597,500
  • Co-Director, Math-Science 合作伙伴hip – Salmon River Central School District, NYSED, with K. Kavanagh and P. Turner, $50,000
  • Co-Director, Math-Science 合作伙伴hip – Beacon City School District, NYSED, with K. Kavanagh and P. Turner, $45,206


  • K. 魏德曼,J. 曹国伟,B. Galluzzo E. Simoneau, “Mathematical Modeling with R: Embedding Computational Thinking into High School Math Classes,ACM入侵, 2020年3月.  
  • K. 幸福,B. Galluzzo K. Kavanagh J. Skufca, “Incorporating Math Modeling into the Undergraduate Curriculum: What the GAIMME Report has to Offer Faculty”, PRIMUS: Problems, 资源, and Issues in 数学 Undergraduate Studies, 2018年7月.
  • K. 幸福,B. Galluzzo K. Kavanagh R. 莱维, Math Modeling: Computing and Communicating, Society for Industrial and Applied 数学, 费城, 2018.
  • S. Garfunkel and M. Montgomery (Editors), K. 幸福,K. 福勒,B. Galluzzo等. al., Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Mathematical Modeling Education (GAIMME) Report, Consortium for 数学 and Its Applications and Society for Industrial and Applied 数学, 2016.
  • B. Galluzzo J. McGivney-Burelle and R. Wagstrom, “What is My Carbon Footprint?”, 数学 Teacher, 109 (7), March 2016.
  • B. Galluzzo (Chair), W. Bauldry K. 福勒,R. Wagstrom and M. 沃尔特. Report on the Environmental Science and Climate Studies, Chapter in the Undergraduate Programs and Courses in the Mathematical Sciences: CUPM Curriculum Guide 2015. The Mathematical Association of America, 2015.
  • K. 幸福,K. 福勒和B. Galluzzo, Math Modeling: Getting Started and Getting Solutions”, Society for Industrial and Applied 数学, 2014. 



Office Phone Number: 315/268-2387

Office Location: 2101 Price Hall

Clarkson Box Number: 铜盒5650