华莱士H. 库尔特工程学院

华莱士H. 库尔特工程学院


在华莱士饭店. 库尔特工程学院, we recognize that engineers don’t work in isolation. That is why our education goes well beyond the technical strengths of our ABET-accredited programs: through research, 行业赞助的设计项目和更多的课外活动, 学生追求自己的激情,发展自己的知识, 技能和心态,导致一个有影响力的职业生涯.


Engineering forms esball国际平台客户端’s foundation — from our origins to hands-on, 解决问题和解决方案为基础的教育. Our approach produces in-demand graduates ready to make an impact from their first day on the job and drive innovation.

We continue to look forward and keep pace with industry needs and technical skills. A Clarkson engineering education not only emphasizes fundamentals and specialized skills but introduces all the practical, business and economic aspects of the field and allows students to personalize their education through co-curricular activities, 专业经验和行业相关证书.


All 库尔特工程学院 programs have industry advisory councils. 结果是, our undergraduate and graduate degrees reflect the latest industry trends in terms of technical competencies and expose students to essential business, 项目管理, 人际关系及沟通技巧.


Clarkson is a community of motivated doers ready to apply their knowledge to new challenges and uncover innovative solutions. 要求所有工程专业的学生, 专业经验 highlight what they’re learning in the real world and showcase engineering as an essential problem-solving tool. Students further benefit from our school’s close relationship with the Parker Career Center in finding internship placements.


See engineering concepts in action through team-based research and design projects and co-curricular learning opportunities intended to develop industry-relevant knowledge in the areas of project leadership, 最新的尖端技术和工程业务.


通过学术和职业顾问的指导, get the most out of your education and accelerate your personal and professional success. 这, 再加上我们的工程教育方法, 为什么有近200家公司来学校招聘我们的学生.


Four departments house nine ABET-accredited undergraduate engineering degree programs. 如果你还没有决定哪个学位项目适合你, 从我们的工程研究项目开始, designed to point undecided students toward a discipline-specific engineering major. At Clarkson, students may pursue double majors, minors, concentrations and tracks. 然后, roll up your sleeves to devise innovative solutions and see what you'll do in the field through internships and co-ops.


工程师是终身学习者, 扩展他们的知识基础以推动进步, get familiar with current and emerging technologies and explore new applications of their skills. 面向当前esball国际平台客户端学生, 校友及在职人士, 我们的行业相关证书有两个目的. Current Clarkson students can personalize their degrees and highlight their skills with an industry-respected certification badge. 校友 and working professionals have the opportunity to upgrade their skills as industries, 技术和应用不断发展. 


为了让创新蓬勃发展, 你必须创造一个让员工感到被授权的环境, 在哪里他们可以表达自己的想法,并有快速行动的自由.



跨部门, we promote an inclusive environment that encourages collaborative student work, 很棒的师生互动, engagement with engineering and manufacturing professionals through site visits and field trips and community outreach that embraces "Technology Serving Humanity" by listening to the customer in order to give them better solutions.


我们的教师致力于教学、学术和研究. 我们的教师都是各自领域的专家, and they engage our students in the pursuit of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and scholarship.


工程原理的应用始于课堂, extend through research opportunities on campus and beyond and pave the way toward entering or advancing in the global workforce. Learn more about the hands-on opportunities available to engineering students:


Access real-world, cutting-edge research opportunities as an undergraduate student at Clarkson. Many of our faculty members open their labs and sponsored research projects to those interested in learning and contributing. 我们的esball国际app, 与此同时, 指导新的发展与教师和通过他们的论文项目.


esball国际平台客户端学院, our competitive student teams come together under a unifying department – 速度, which stands for Student Projects for Engineering Experience and Design.

无论你对赛车还是机器人感兴趣, 桥梁设计或航空学, joining a 速度 team gives you the competitive edge for your future career. 球队在国内和国际大学比赛中竞争, 让学生亲自动手, 合作的经验. Every engineering student can find and join a team (or two) that interests them.


We see engineering as a tool designed to transform and advance the world. Our students meet the challenge by devising sustainable solutions in their respective disciplines and by participating in K-12 outreach organizations, such as the Clarkson chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 为当地高中生举办微型遥控飞行大赛.



我们的课程教育学生适应这种工作环境. That is why so many companies recruit at Clarkson and why so many of our alumni are incredibly successful.&,&,

威廉D. 库尔特工程学院院长杰米森说


事实 & 统计数据





Engineering students have internships and/or co-ops at top companies across the nation. 200多家公司来到校园招聘学生. 大多数学生在毕业前就被录取了.


在过去的20年里, 26 Clarkson students have been named Goldwater Scholars — a rate among the highest in the country. Students who win Goldwaters typically go on to the best graduate schools in the country.

