
esball国际平台客户端学校, esball国际平台客户端的一个特殊部门, was founded in 1978 as an innovative educational opportunity. The School offers 学生 an early entrance opportunity into college, replacing the typical senior year of high school with a challenging first year of college. It is one of the few college early admission programs in the country that provides a real community living/learning experience on a university campus.

What does the admission committee look for in an application?

esball国际平台客户端学校 is designed for individuals who have demonstrated high levels of achievement in their academic work, 个人的成熟, 参与课外活动.  In order to determine whether a student is ready for the early college experience at esball国际平台客户端学校, we consider academic preparation as evidenced in the cumulative GPA, 班级排名, 标准化考试成绩, 以及学生所修课程的严格程度.  A great deal of attention is given to the letters of recommendation to see if the writer feels that the student is prepared for the early college experience. To receive full consideration, all 学生 must meet the minimum academic standards as stated in esball国际平台客户端学校的录取政策和程序.


esball国际平台客户端不颁发高中文凭, 想要获得高中文凭的学生, 或者它的等价性, 可能会采取以下三种选择之一. 请记住, 学生 are eligible to receive Clarkson School scholarships and grants regardless of which option they choose.


How can my parents or counselor find out more about TCS and early admission?

As a small college early admission program in upstate New York, 并非所有的咨询师, 老师, 家长们都听说过esball国际平台客户端学校. Reservations about venturing into college early are understandable, and something that most of our prospective 学生 have experienced. 如果你邀请我们这么做的话, a staff member  would be happy to contact your counselor to explain our program and to supply your school with supporting literature about esball国际平台客户端学校. We now have nearly 2000 alumni throughout the United States and the world. Our alumni and their parents are available to discuss with you or your parents their perspectives on esball国际平台客户端学校.

What is the daily life of a Clarkson School student really like?

esball国际平台客户端学校学生, 作为大学生, must take a great deal of responsibility throughout the 24 hours of each day. Bells do not ring between classes and parents do not wake you up in the morning. 如果你修了15个大学学分, 这意味着你每周至少要上15个小时的课, and you must balance the other hours with study time and activities such as clubs, 体育, 专业组织, 餐, 睡眠和娱乐. Many 学生 also spend time learning about other colleges and universities for the years after esball国际平台客户端学校. Students are often involved in community and church activities, and some have jobs. Hours are also spent in discussions with other fellow esball国际平台客户端学校学生 "solving problems of the world." Then, of course, there is always the time spent doing your own laundry.

What special features and activities does esball国际平台客户端学校 have to offer?

The living environment and sense of community are as important to esball国际平台客户端学校 year as the enriching academic experience. esball国际平台客户端学校 administrative offices are adjacent to the residence halls, 而且很容易接近. 学生们住在Price Hall, 独立的宿舍, 每对室友的房间里都有私人浴室. 每层楼都有一处配有沙发的公共区域, 椅子, 用于社交, 研究, 和会议. 房屋顾问住在每层楼. 员工家庭聚餐, 学生, and house advisors provide an opportunity for everyone to get together regularly. 实地考察安排在名胜古迹. Special programs are offered in residence halls for weekends and special occasions. Personal, academic and career counseling is available to all 学生. The year begins with an extended orientation program and concludes with an end-of-year gathering and commencement. 点击下面的按钮了解更多esball国际平台客户端住房的信息:



At Clarkson, you can pursue a wide variety of academic paths, including:

  • 主修商业、工程、艺术和科学
  • 专业交叉专业
  • 为还在做决定的学生量身定制的课程
  • 选择性 荣誉项目 特别有天赋的学生


Students in esball国际平台客户端学校 are fully matriculated undergraduates with freshman status at the University. They take classes with other University 学生 and usually carry a course load of 15 to 18 credits per semester for two semesters. College credits may also be given for college and Advanced Placement courses taken before entering esball国际平台客户端学校. Cross-registration at neighboring area colleges and universities can provide additional college credits, 特别是在艺术方面, 音乐和语言. These credits also appear on your official esball国际平台客户端 transcript.


通常, a student applying to other colleges from esball国际平台客户端学校 will apply as an advanced standing student, since the requirements for a high school diploma 或者它的等价性 have not been met. 在接受, the University registrar evaluates the official esball国际平台客户端 transcript and, 除了一些例外, 学生可以将他/她在esball国际平台客户端获得的学分转学.

成本是多少?? 那财政援助呢??


How can I learn more about early admission and esball国际平台客户端学校?

The best way to learn about this early entrance program is to talk with 学生 who are enrolled in the experience. esball国际平台客户端学校 host program gives prospective 学生 the opportunity to visit the campus, 上课, and speak with our admission staff as well as current 学生. 

Arrangements for an interview and campus visit may be made by calling esball国际平台客户端学校 office at 315-268-4425 or 1-800-574-4425 (USA and Canada). Off-campus interviews, virtual and phone interviews can be arranged.